A Cedar Lane multi-family?

Published On January 22, 2022 » 1095 Views» Development, Slider, Uncategorized

Concerned Resident: Do you want to weigh in SOMEWHERE on whether Teaneck should continue to approve large multi-family rental facilities in a town whose Master Plan BEGINS BY SETTING THIS GOAL:

Goal: “Preserve the character of existing low-density residential neighborhoods forming the predominant character of the Township”

The place to do so is by raising questions to, and commenting on, expert testimony before the Town’s 2 land use boards — beginning Thursday February 17 at the Board of Adjustment.
How would you know what to say? A little “homework” will help!
What follows is both the drawings of, and a video of testimony at, the 1/6/22 portion of a Teaneck Board of Adjustment hearing that addressed an application to construct a 30-unit residential facility in the Cedar Lane retail area – in a B2 zone – at 205 Cedar Lane.
Here are the drawings – click tothe right : 12 pages of 205 Cedar drawings inserted w-o title or application
And here is a video the testimony about the project by architect Anthony Garrett click twice to the right:  https://youtu.be/5cesaM3Cj7w

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